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29.12.2011 U.S. Military Tests Out Green Tech In Afghanistan
The heavy, mine-resistant vehicles that almost all U.S. military personnel use to move about Afghanistan are gas guzzlers. And even though the U.S. military buys that fuel at a reasonable price, the energy it takes to fly it and truck it to remote parts of Afghanistan drives the price into the stratosphere.
Accesări: 413
29.12.2011 U.K. Renewable-Energy Investment Totals $3.8 Billion This Year
U.K. renewable-energy investment has totaled almost 2.5 billion pounds ($3.8 billion) so far this financial year as companies from Toyota Motor Corp. (7203) to Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWS) committed funds, the government said.
Accesări: 425
29.12.2011 Analysts slash CO2 price forecasts as slowdown seen - poll
(Reuters) - Analysts have slashed their average price forecasts for European Union and U.N. carbon for next year and beyond as prospects of a slowing global economy and permit oversupply concerns persist, a Reuters poll showed on Thursday.
Accesări: 446
23.12.2011 Daca toti europenii ar pedala la fel ca danezii, emisiile ar scadea pe continent cu 25%
Europenii si-ar putea reduce cu 25% emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera, rezultate din mijloacele de transport, daca ar pedala la fel de mult ca danezii, se arata intr-un nou si revolutionar studiu care a urmarit nu doar impactul pe care il are mersul pe bicicleta asupra mediului ci si numarul caloriilor arse in acest proces de ciclisti.
Accesări: 272
22.12.2011 Why We're All Confused About Climate Change
You'd think most of us would have a knee-jerk instinct to protect Earth; good planets are hard to come by.
Accesări: 452
22.12.2011 The 'EU Must Remain Tough' on Emissions Trading
Europe's highest court has backed an EU emissions trading scheme for the aviation industry, angering leaders and airlines abroad. Experts warn the ruling could spark a trade war. Despite the tensions, German commentators on Thursday encouraged EU officials to stand strong on climate protection.
Accesări: 392
22.12.2011 Environment world review of the year: '2011 rewrote the record books'
The ecologically tumultuous year saw record greenhouse gas emissions, melting Arctic sea ice, natural disasters and extreme weather – and the world's second worst nuclear disaster
Accesări: 429
22.12.2011 Razboi comercial intre UE, SUA si China, din cauza taxei pe CO2 din aviatie
China a declarat ca este ostila “legislatiei unilateral impuse” prin care Uniunea Europeana obliga companiile aeriene sa cumpere cote de dioxid de carbon pentru zborurile efectuate pe teritoriul sau.
Accesări: 304
22.12.2011 China anunta un plan de reducere a emisiilor de carbon pentru anul 2012
China vrea sa-si reduca emisiile de carbon si si-a stabilit chiar un plan de reducere a poluarii pentru 2012. Miercuri, cea de-a doua economie din lume, si cel mai mare consumator de energie din lume, a anuntat ca in 2012 vrea sa-si reduca cu 2% emisiile de dioxid de sulf si de oxigen chimic (COD), precum si cele de azot de amoniac, cu 1,5%, relateaza agentia Xinhua News citata de International Business Times.
Accesări: 279
21.12.2011 Laszlo Borbely: Este “inadmisibil” sa eviti sa platesti taxa de poluare
“Este inadmisibil sa se faca atata reclama ca sa te invete cum sa eludezi legea, ca sa nu platesti taxa auto”, a declarat ministrul Laszlo Borbely la conferinta de bilant a Ministerului Mediului si Padurilor.
Accesări: 331
21.12.2011 Pollution Real if not Official
In a country which houses 21 of the world’s 100 most polluted cities, outcry over official underplaying of pollution is escalating as residents refuse to take government readings of the problem at face value.
Accesări: 521
21.12.2011 EU Lawmakers Back Plan To Withhold EU CO2 Permits
European Union lawmakers backed a proposal on Tuesday to allow the EU Commission to prop up record low carbon prices by withholding 1.4 billion permits from the third phase of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme, sending prices 20 percent higher.
Accesări: 406
21.12.2011 Durban illuminates the emerging new world order
The outcome of the latest round of climate change negotiations in Durban was as good as any dared hope for. A second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, together with agreement from all countries to begin negotiations on a new legally binding instrument, or an agreement with “legal force” is a major step forward. However, Durban will be remembered for much more than that; as the place where the tectonic plates of international relations fundamentally shifted.
Accesări: 380
21.12.2011 Taxa UE pe emisiile de carbon ale avioanelor, aprobata de Curtea Europeana de Justitie. Masura, in vigoare de la 1 ianuarie
Intentia Uniunii Europene de a percepe o taxa pe emisiile de carbon ale avioanelor a fost aprobata de Curtea Europeana de Justitie.
Accesări: 312
20.12.2011 Post-Kyoto, a search for ‘a subtle skill’ in tackling climate change
The Kyoto Protocol was very much the north wind in Aesop’s fable of the wind and the sun. Which of those elements could more quickly induce a man to discard his cloak – or a country to discard its carbon?
Accesări: 454
20.12.2011 Climate Sensitivity Greater Than Previously Believed
Many of the particles in the atmosphere are produced by the natural world, and it is possible that plants have in recent decades reduced the effects of the greenhouse gases to which human activity has given rise. One consequence of this is that the climate may be more sensitive to emissions caused by human activity than we have previously believed. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) have collected new data that may lead to better climate models.
Accesări: 426
20.12.2011 Africa: Climate Change - Continent May Be Worst Hit, Says UNIDO
The United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) has sounded a note of warning that the African continent may be the worst hit by the effect of global warming.
Accesări: 435
19.12.2011 Durban climate summit gains cited
MANILA, Philippines — A ranking Philippine delegate to the recently-concluded United Nations climate summit in Durban, South Africa lauded efforts of first-world nations to accommodate major concerns of the developing and most vulnerable countries.
Accesări: 396
19.12.2011 Agreement on global warming mitigation
MANILA, Philippines — The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) has signed an agreement with a Korean agency to work jointly in research to mitigate the impact of global warming.
Accesări: 434
18.12.2011 Nations to effect climate change pact in 2020
Developing countries have to continue bearing the effects of global warming for another decade. This is the deal struck at the UN-sponsored climate change summit in Durban, where developed nations reluctantly agreed to address the calamity by 2020.
Accesări: 429
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